Manual Review


A manual review and editing of the identified tracks is the essential final step in establishing the track count. Select the Count Review Tool in the Tool Bar and manually click on any features that are judged to not be tracks by clicking on them, or select any that are genuine tracks that have been missed. Sometimes small track features have been removed by the minimum area cutoff and reappear when this is done. In other cases, usually very shallow dipping tracks, there is no feature present and the manual count is simply revealed by an ‘x’ when clicked on. Adjust tracks that have been wrongly identified as multiple or single features by right-clicking on the feature and adjusting the multiple value in the pop-up menu. the Count Review tool can be used by either clicking on a single feature, or dragging over several features at once.

As in manual counting at the microscope, it is often useful to focus up and down in transmitted light when counting. This achieved by moving the scroll wheel on the mouse back and forth, or using the slider at the bottom of the main window. You can also flip between transmitted and reflected light using the space bar (or other keystroke as set in the Keyboard shortcuts under the Settings menu). A grid can be shown in the image overlay to assist in the manual review process. This can be selected in the Options panel in the right side bar. The number of grid squares can also be adjusted to simplify the review process depending on personal preference and the observed track density. The grid and many other features of the overlay, including the colour of particular features can be selected or changed in the Display Options under the Settings menu.

Once satisfied with the count results for particular grain it can be finalised by clicking on the padlock symbol next to the grain in the grain list. This ensures that the results will not be altered inadvertently by any other adjustments made later in the procedure. Once locked in this way, none of the tools can be used on his grain until it is unlocked again.